Film, 2024
A soldier is forced into a therapy session by two rival soldiers to heal daddy issues.
Blue, a soldier, who left his post unarmed to find fish in the lake, gets caught in the act by a rival soldier and his Major.
With the rifle pointed at him, Rex and Major force him into their family constellation therapy in the water. Blue is unaware of this, since he doesn’t speak their language and Major only shares the bare minimum with him in English. In the end he gets it, they need him to help Rex’ unresolved family trauma. After one failed escape attempt, Blue starts to act along in their therapy. He performs Rex’ son, then his wife, while Rex cries, gets mad and is ultimately relieved. As the session comes to an end, Blue fears for his life. The Major and Rex start putting on their uniforms again when Blue takes his only chance to run away and never look back.
Type : Film 15 min. work in progress
Directed by Liina Magnea
DOP: Kristin Freia
Actors: Magnus Mariuson, Skjold Rambow, Liina Magnea
Sound: Elias Hamman
A production funded by the JoinAdventures NPN Stepping Out Grant.
Performance, 2023 Sophiensäle Berlin
As part of the Sophiensæle residency program NEW TECHNIQUES, ‘Pseudo-Virtue: Morse sounds from the Vault’ is a working process on how to be a good person.
Learners who are responsive to shame are in a much better condition than those who have no shame at all (the “shameless”) or those who have excessive shame (the “timid”), not only because they are able to do virtuous actions in the right way, but also because they are able to properly exercise their agency. They are aware that they can shape who they are (and who they become) through their own actions, and thus see their actions as expressions of their selves and as opportunities for becoming better. Although they are not yet virtuous, these learners of virtue can appreciate the value of noble activity and can guide their actions by a true interest in doing the right thing for its own sake.
- Marta Jimenez in Aristoteles on Shame and learning to be good
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 50 min.
Premiere : Trauma Bar Berlin
Full documentation available upon request
Choreography and concept: Liina Magnea
Sound production/composition: Gil Schneider and Liina Magnea
Performers: : Magdalena Mitterhofer, Shade Théret, Gabriel Pedrosa, Liina Magnea
Dramaturgy: Louise Trueheart and Maciek Sado
Film documentation: Kristin Freia
Styling: Anna Müller
Supported By
A production by Liina Magnea in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. With the friendly support of Trauma Bar Berlin
Performance, 2023 Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
The performance is based on a surreal doomsday scenario: Thunder and lightning crash on a burning ground where a soldier is searching for water. Shortly before dying of thirst, he realizes that the last resort must be to ask for forgiveness. Bursting into song and dance, he shouts "Lock me up, handcuff me! I'm the villain of global warming!". Nothing happens. The only response is the echo of these pleas. The next day, the spy radio plays a light melody and reminds its listeners that terrible plans always come with surprising twists and turns.
A fantasy in the extreme, a dance and song play that moves between tragedy and comedy, lightness and heaviness, close to the man-made catastrophes of our time.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 50 min.
Premiere : Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2023
Full documentation available upon request
Booking available at
Concept and Music composition by Liina Magnea and Gabriel Pedrosa
Performers / Singers: Liina Magnea and Gabriel Pedrisa
Styling: Shade Théret
Supported By
A production by Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
Performance, 2022 Systema, Marseille
Tracing their desire for the non-hetero-washed-dried-laid-flat-love-story, Liina Magnea & Hrefna Hörn cling to hope in dark times. The way is slippery and they lose sense of reality while appropriating courtship skills of historic male romantic emos. Together they form a band. Rehearsing “putting love into practice”, hidden and delusional songs surface from deep within; from the past and from the now. Simultaneously inhibiting the dragon, the princess and the knight, it seems like a blind quest trying to point out the last rotten apple on the tree and yet eating it out of insatiable greed.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 25 min.
Premiere : Systema Marseille, 10.06.23
In collaboration with : Hrefna Hörn
Full documentation available upon request
Booking available at
Concept: Liina Magnea and Hrefna Hörn
Choreography: Liina Magnea
Performance and Music: Hrefna Hörn and Liina Magnea
Produced and invited by Systema Art Festival Marseille
Stills from video: @monavarichon & @alexis.liger
Supported by
The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR program, DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.
Performance, 2023 Sophiensäle Berlin
In She’s Constructing the Exit Signs (Hope & Delusion) Liina Magnea addresses the emotional function of the musical and how it can offer itself as a coping strategy in hopeless times. The musical asylum penetrates reality, creating a delusional construction of a fairytale world, while the actual surrounding is sad and gloomy.
The artificially produced reality helps the greedy and bleak protagonist to imagine herself as a character of a fictional narrative where everything is possible – the ultimate escape.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 50 min.
Premiere : Tanztage Berlin, Sophiensäle 2023
Previous dates: Rencontres Choreographiques Internationales Saint-Denis 2023
Full documentation available upon request
Booking available at
Concept and Music composition by Liina Magnea and Hjörtur Hjörleifsson
Performers / Singers: Liina Magnea and Hjörtur Hjörleifsson
Lights: Hanna Kritten
Styling: Taylor Thoroski
Supported By
A production by Liina Magnea in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE. The 32nd edition of Tanztage Berlin is a production of the SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. With the friendly support of Tanzfabrik Berlin e. V., Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte and HZT Berlin.
Performance, 2022 Lament TV, Berlin
'She carries a diplomatic passport...' explores new stories of current diplomacy. The singer-performer sings stories of current diplomacy to music that is set for meditation. Questioning whether there are new diplomatic strategies to be found, now that marginalized people are finally taking part in local and international politics.
The stage is shared with the presence of a puppet that underlines the performers schizophrenic back and forth of being the victim and abuser role and representing the idea of abolishing the binary thinking of good and bad.
The performance deals with social codes and innate privileges, as the performer self-critically examines her own and others' stories without overpowering the romance of meditative music.
Type : Live performance | Dance
Duration : 25 min.
Premiere : Lament TV, 30.10.22
Full documentation
Booking available at
Concept, Choreography, Performance: Liina Magnea
Produced and invited by Lament TV Berlin Magdalena Miterhoffer & Shade Theret
Film documentation: Alexander Iezzi & Arnold Trautwein
Still photographer: Luis Artemio De Los Santos
Supported by
NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ - STEPPING OUT, Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.
Performance, Tanznacht Berlin, Zodiak New Dance Center 2021/22
Funny Things Before Panic is a coping mechanism dressed up as a musical. Three dancers embody three true stabbing stories that have happened around the choreographer, Liina Magnea.
Heidi Finnberg plays as Liina's mother who got stabbed by a gang-member in the 80s, Reetta Nummi (SITOI) is Helga, the friend who got stabbed to death by her 16-year-old son and Liina is the teenage boy who got into a knife fight on a beautiful summer day.
In hopes of finding a way to emotionally cope with the situation, the performers compulsively sing songs and dance, retelling the traumatic events. This ultimately leads them to panic - a physical state riddled with tics, cramps and sounds that they have experienced in their personal lives. To distance themselves from the drama of a panic attack, they transform the symptoms into new dances and songs.
By turning the knife around they realise that these stories illustrate their internal self stabbing. The conclusion is an ode to the absurd and one's own incapability to grasp injustice in the world.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 45 min.
Premiere : Tanznacht Berlin, 24.06.21
Finnish premiere: Zodiak Dance Center Helsinki Finland, Spring 2022
Full documentation available upon request
Concept, Choreography, Music: Liina Magnea
With additional music from Reetta Nummi
Performers & Singers: Reetta Nummi, Laurean Wagner, Julianna Schreyer, Liina Magnea, Gabriel Pedrosa, Heidi Finnberg and Niklas Blomberg
Supported by
Co-production between Zodiak Dance Center, Arts promotion Finland and Berlin Senate Department for Culture Additional funding: Goethe Institute and Travel grant Berlin senate
Performance KW Institute for Contemporary Arts Berlin 2019
red eye 1 & red eye 2 is a two-part performance by Liina Magnea that was commissioned by KW Institute for Contemporary Arts in connection with the exhibition To Catch a Fish with a Song: 1964 – Today by Hreinn Friðfinnsson.
Inspired by a water source in Iceland, which is a large round hole with a blood-red coloured rock bottom and called "the red eye", Liina Magnea choreographed and composed a dance solo with a concert for a quartet of singers.
Liina Magnea dances the body that begins the journey through the hole in the ground. Through the phase of separation (trance), into the phase of death (dissolution) followed by the pain of rebirth, to the arrival at the end / beginning of the cycle.
The singers represent a choir, as it was used in the theater of antiquity as a mouthpiece for the events.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 25 min.
Premiere : KW Institute for Contemporary Arts
Full documentation available upon request
Concept and Music composition for four voices by Liina Magnea
Performers / Singers: Sara Björg Bjarnadóttir, Maria Solrun, Haraldur Thrastarson, Leifur Eiriksson and Liina Magnea
Produced by
KW Institute for Contemporary Arts Berlin and the Icelandic Art Center
Installation / three dancers and opera singers, Uferstudios / Tanzfabrik Berlin 2020
After a hard day of manual labour three workers contemplate on ways they could survive the end of the world as they now it.
They sing six opera songs dealing with six different survival strategies that they will never follow. Instead they wake up next morning and occupy themselves with mundane manual labor carving wood and peeling skin, stuffing the world with more organic material to create masses of mold until they too start molding into another loop of a labor day.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 45 min.
Premiere : Tanznacht Berlin, 04.09.21
Concept and music by Liina Magnea
Performers / Singers: Julianna Schreyer and Sigrún Gyda Sveinsdóttir
Produced by
Tanznacht Berlin and UdK Berlin
Video, Volksbühne Berlin
In the video work ‘Militia’, a real film set happening in the Red Salon of the Volksbühne turns into a documented performance that represent a poetic self-portrayal and criticism of a fictional and at the same time real artist person.
Type : Video 7.43 min
Premiere : Volksbühne / Glasshouse online
Full documentation available upon request
Cast: Liina Magnea, Berglind Þrastardóttir, Alina Albrecht, Herta Cristina Mirea, Lorenz Fischer, Maria Solrun, Belle Santos; Camera: Maria Solrun; Edit: Liina Magnea; additional video material: Alina Albrecht; additional sound: Lorenz Fischer
Funded and Produced by
Neustart Kultur, Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Volksbühne
Performance, 2023 Au Jus, Bruxelles
A confined, self-actualisation community searches for hope in dark times. Threatened with an invisible outer force they construct strategies and rituals, take turns leading and blindly following any kind of meaning which comes their way. Through songs and ever-changing dynamics, they take on the roles of the artist, the leader, the genius and the saviour trying to transform the stagnant and deceased into an Active Culture.But can a false god deliver real miracles? And is the goal ever to change?
On their spiralling journey, they compulsively stumble upon something else….. love.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Duration : 25 min.
Full documentation available upon request
Concept by Liina Magnea and Hrefna Hörn
Performers: Liina Magnea and Hrefna Hörn
Music and Choreography: Liina Magnea
Supported By
Dansatelierrr Copenhagen, Au Jus Bruxelles, Tanzpraxis Berlin Senat Department of Culture
2024 | Ssassin's Creed (Lady Says Stop), Sophiensäle Berlin, Hand in Hand towards the collapse, at Live Works Centrale di Fies, ItalyTanzfabrik Berlin2023 | 'Pseudo-Virtue: Fart sounds from the Vault', Trauma Bar / Sophiensäle, Berlin2023 | Swedish rhapsody | 'Hand in hand towards the collapse', Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt2023 | ‘She’s Constructing the Exit Signs (Hope & Delusion)’ , Tanztage Berlin &Sophiensaele and Rencontres Choreographiques Internationales Seine-Saint Denis2023 | ‘She Carries a Diplomatic Passport’, a performance for Lament TV, Berlin2023 | ‘Crush on Chaos, the Courtship of Alliance’, Au Jus & Danseatelier, Brussels&Copenhagen2022 |‘Funny Things Before Panic’ Performance, Zodiak New Dance Center, Helsinki2022 |‘The Chase’ performance with Hrefna Hörn, Systema, Marseille2021 | ‘Funny Things Before Panic’ Performance, Tanzfabrik Berlin in context of Tanznacht 20212021 | ‘Blithe Spirits’, performance with Abhinit Khanna at Ballhaus Ost / Dirty Debut
For booking inquiries, contact me
© Liina Mangna 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Film, 2024
A soldier is forced into a therapy session by two rival soldiers to heal daddy issues.
Blue, a soldier, who left his post unarmed to find fish in the lake, gets caught in the act by a rival soldier and his Major.
With the rifle pointed at him, Rex and Major force him into their family constellation therapy in the water. Blue is unaware of this, since he doesn’t speak their language and Major only shares the bare minimum with him in English. In the end he gets it, they need him to help Rex’ unresolved family trauma. After one failed escape attempt, Blue starts to act along in their therapy. He performs Rex’ son, then his wife, while Rex cries, gets mad and is ultimately relieved. As the session comes to an end, Blue fears for his life. The Major and Rex start putting on their uniforms again when Blue takes his only chance to run away and never look back.
Type : Film 15 min. work in progress
Directed by Liina Magnea
DOP: Kristin Freia
Actors: Magnus Mariuson, Skjold Rambow, Liina Magnea
Sound: Elias Hamman
A production funded by the JoinAdventures NPN Stepping Out Grant.
Performance, 2023 Sophiensäle Berlin
As part of the Sophiensæle residency program NEW TECHNIQUES, ‘Pseudo-Virtue: Morse sounds from the Vault’ is a working process on how to be a good person.
Learners who are responsive to shame are in a much better condition than those who have no shame at all (the “shameless”) or those who have excessive shame (the “timid”), not only because they are able to do virtuous actions in the right way, but also because they are able to properly exercise their agency. They are aware that they can shape who they are (and who they become) through their own actions, and thus see their actions as expressions of their selves and as opportunities for becoming better. Although they are not yet virtuous, these learners of virtue can appreciate the value of noble activity and can guide their actions by a true interest in doing the right thing for its own sake.
- Marta Jimenez in Aristoteles on Shame and learning to be good
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 50 min.
Premiere : Trauma Bar Berlin
Full documentation available upon request
Choreography and concept: Liina Magnea
Sound production/composition: Gil Schneider and Liina Magnea
Performers: : Magdalena Mitterhofer, Shade Théret, Gabriel Pedrosa, Liina Magnea
Dramaturgy: Louise Trueheart and Maciek Sado
Film documentation: Kristin Freia
Styling: Anna Müller
Supported By
A production by Liina Magnea in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. With the friendly support of Trauma Bar Berlin
Performance, 2023 Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
The performance is based on a surreal doomsday scenario: Thunder and lightning crash on a burning ground where a soldier is searching for water. Shortly before dying of thirst, he realizes that the last resort must be to ask for forgiveness. Bursting into song and dance, he shouts "Lock me up, handcuff me! I'm the villain of global warming!". Nothing happens. The only response is the echo of these pleas. The next day, the spy radio plays a light melody and reminds its listeners that terrible plans always come with surprising twists and turns.
A fantasy in the extreme, a dance and song play that moves between tragedy and comedy, lightness and heaviness, close to the man-made catastrophes of our time.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 50 min.
Premiere : Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt 2023
Full documentation available upon request
Booking available at
Concept and Music composition by Liina Magnea and Gabriel Pedrosa
Performers / Singers: Liina Magnea and Gabriel Pedrisa
Styling: Shade Théret
Supported By
A production by Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
Performance, 2022 Systema, Marseille
Tracing their desire for the non-hetero-washed-dried-laid-flat-love-story, Liina Magnea & Hrefna Hörn cling to hope in dark times. The way is slippery and they lose sense of reality while appropriating courtship skills of historic male romantic emos. Together they form a band. Rehearsing “putting love into practice”, hidden and delusional songs surface from deep within; from the past and from the now. Simultaneously inhibiting the dragon, the princess and the knight, it seems like a blind quest trying to point out the last rotten apple on the tree and yet eating it out of insatiable greed.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 25 min.
Premiere : Systema Marseille, 10.06.23
In collaboration with : Hrefna Hörn
Full documentation available upon request
Booking available at
Concept: Liina Magnea and Hrefna Hörn
Choreography: Liina Magnea
Performance and Music: Hrefna Hörn and Liina Magnea
Produced and invited by Systema Art Festival Marseille
Stills from video: @monavarichon & @alexis.liger
Supported by
The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR program, DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.
Performance, 2023 Sophiensäle Berlin
In She’s Constructing the Exit Signs (Hope & Delusion) Liina Magnea addresses the emotional function of the musical and how it can offer itself as a coping strategy in hopeless times. The musical asylum penetrates reality, creating a delusional construction of a fairytale world, while the actual surrounding is sad and gloomy.
The artificially produced reality helps the greedy and bleak protagonist to imagine herself as a character of a fictional narrative where everything is possible – the ultimate escape.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 50 min.
Premiere : Tanztage Berlin, Sophiensäle 2023
Previous dates: Rencontres Choreographiques Internationales Saint-Denis 2023
Full documentation available upon request
Booking available at
Concept and Music composition by Liina Magnea and Hjörtur Hjörleifsson
Performers / Singers: Liina Magnea and Hjörtur Hjörleifsson
Lights: Hanna Kritten
Styling: Taylor Thoroski
Supported By
A production by Liina Magnea in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE. The 32nd edition of Tanztage Berlin is a production of the SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. With the friendly support of Tanzfabrik Berlin e. V., Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte and HZT Berlin.
Performance, 2022 Lament TV, Berlin
'She carries a diplomatic passport...' explores new stories of current diplomacy. The singer-performer sings stories of current diplomacy to music that is set for meditation. Questioning whether there are new diplomatic strategies to be found, now that marginalized people are finally taking part in local and international politics.
The stage is shared with the presence of a puppet that underlines the performers schizophrenic back and forth of being the victim and abuser role and representing the idea of abolishing the binary thinking of good and bad.
The performance deals with social codes and innate privileges, as the performer self-critically examines her own and others' stories without overpowering the romance of meditative music.
Type : Live performance | Dance
Duration : 25 min.
Premiere : Lament TV, 30.10.22
Full documentation
Booking available at
Concept, Choreography, Performance: Liina Magnea
Produced and invited by Lament TV Berlin Magdalena Miterhoffer & Shade Theret
Film documentation: Alexander Iezzi & Arnold Trautwein
Still photographer: Luis Artemio De Los Santos
Supported by
NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ - STEPPING OUT, Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.
Performance, Tanznacht Berlin, Zodiak New Dance Center 2021/22
Funny Things Before Panic is a coping mechanism dressed up as a musical. Three dancers embody three true stabbing stories that have happened around the choreographer, Liina Magnea.
Heidi Finnberg plays as Liina's mother who got stabbed by a gang-member in the 80s, Reetta Nummi (SITOI) is Helga, the friend who got stabbed to death by her 16-year-old son and Liina is the teenage boy who got into a knife fight on a beautiful summer day.
In hopes of finding a way to emotionally cope with the situation, the performers compulsively sing songs and dance, retelling the traumatic events. This ultimately leads them to panic - a physical state riddled with tics, cramps and sounds that they have experienced in their personal lives. To distance themselves from the drama of a panic attack, they transform the symptoms into new dances and songs.
By turning the knife around they realise that these stories illustrate their internal self stabbing. The conclusion is an ode to the absurd and one's own incapability to grasp injustice in the world.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 45 min.
Premiere : Tanznacht Berlin, 24.06.21
Finnish premiere: Zodiak Dance Center Helsinki Finland, Spring 2022
Full documentation available upon request
Concept, Choreography, Music: Liina Magnea
With additional music from Reetta Nummi
Performers & Singers: Reetta Nummi, Laurean Wagner, Julianna Schreyer, Liina Magnea, Gabriel Pedrosa, Heidi Finnberg and Niklas Blomberg
Supported by
Co-production between Zodiak Dance Center, Arts promotion Finland and Berlin Senate Department for Culture Additional funding: Goethe Institute and Travel grant Berlin senate
Performance KW Institute for Contemporary Arts Berlin 2019
red eye 1 & red eye 2 is a two-part performance by Liina Magnea that was commissioned by KW Institute for Contemporary Arts in connection with the exhibition To Catch a Fish with a Song: 1964 – Today by Hreinn Friðfinnsson.
Inspired by a water source in Iceland, which is a large round hole with a blood-red coloured rock bottom and called "the red eye", Liina Magnea choreographed and composed a dance solo with a concert for a quartet of singers.
Liina Magnea dances the body that begins the journey through the hole in the ground. Through the phase of separation (trance), into the phase of death (dissolution) followed by the pain of rebirth, to the arrival at the end / beginning of the cycle.
The singers represent a choir, as it was used in the theater of antiquity as a mouthpiece for the events.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 25 min.
Premiere : KW Institute for Contemporary Arts
Full documentation available upon request
Concept and Music composition for four voices by Liina Magnea
Performers / Singers: Sara Björg Bjarnadóttir, Maria Solrun, Haraldur Thrastarson, Leifur Eiriksson and Liina Magnea
Produced by
KW Institute for Contemporary Arts Berlin and the Icelandic Art Center
Installation / three dancers and opera singers, Uferstudios / Tanzfabrik Berlin 2020
After a hard day of manual labour three workers contemplate on ways they could survive the end of the world as they now it.
They sing six opera songs dealing with six different survival strategies that they will never follow. Instead they wake up next morning and occupy themselves with mundane manual labor carving wood and peeling skin, stuffing the world with more organic material to create masses of mold until they too start molding into another loop of a labor day.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Concert
Duration : 45 min.
Premiere : Tanznacht Berlin, 04.09.21
Concept and music by Liina Magnea
Performers / Singers: Julianna Schreyer and Sigrún Gyda Sveinsdóttir
Produced by
Tanznacht Berlin and UdK Berlin
Video, Volksbühne Berlin
In the video work ‘Militia’, a real film set happening in the Red Salon of the Volksbühne turns into a documented performance that represent a poetic self-portrayal and criticism of a fictional and at the same time real artist person.
Type : Video 7.43 min
Premiere : Volksbühne / Glasshouse online
Full documentation available upon request
Cast: Liina Magnea, Berglind Þrastardóttir, Alina Albrecht, Herta Cristina Mirea, Lorenz Fischer, Maria Solrun, Belle Santos; Camera: Maria Solrun; Edit: Liina Magnea; additional video material: Alina Albrecht; additional sound: Lorenz Fischer
Funded and Produced by
Neustart Kultur, Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Volksbühne
Performance, 2023 Au Jus, Bruxelles
A confined, self-actualisation community searches for hope in dark times. Threatened with an invisible outer force they construct strategies and rituals, take turns leading and blindly following any kind of meaning which comes their way. Through songs and ever-changing dynamics, they take on the roles of the artist, the leader, the genius and the saviour trying to transform the stagnant and deceased into an Active Culture.But can a false god deliver real miracles? And is the goal ever to change?
On their spiralling journey, they compulsively stumble upon something else….. love.
Type : Live performance | Dance | Duration : 25 min.
Full documentation available upon request
Concept by Liina Magnea and Hrefna Hörn
Performers: Liina Magnea and Hrefna Hörn
Music and Choreography: Liina Magnea
Supported By
Dansatelierrr Copenhagen, Au Jus Bruxelles, Tanzpraxis Berlin Senat Department of Culture
2024 | Ssassin's Creed (Lady Says Stop), Sophiensäle Berlin, Hand in Hand towards the collapse, at Live Works Centrale di Fies, ItalyTanzfabrik Berlin2023 | 'Pseudo-Virtue: Fart sounds from the Vault', Trauma Bar / Sophiensäle, Berlin2023 | Swedish rhapsody | 'Hand in hand towards the collapse', Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt2023 | ‘She’s Constructing the Exit Signs (Hope & Delusion)’ , Tanztage Berlin &Sophiensaele and Rencontres Choreographiques Internationales Seine-Saint Denis2023 | ‘She Carries a Diplomatic Passport’, a performance for Lament TV, Berlin2023 | ‘Crush on Chaos, the Courtship of Alliance’, Au Jus & Danseatelier, Brussels&Copenhagen2022 |‘Funny Things Before Panic’ Performance, Zodiak New Dance Center, Helsinki2022 |‘The Chase’ performance with Hrefna Hörn, Systema, Marseille2021 | ‘Funny Things Before Panic’ Performance, Tanzfabrik Berlin in context of Tanznacht 20212021 | ‘Blithe Spirits’, performance with Abhinit Khanna at Ballhaus Ost / Dirty Debut
For booking inquiries, contact me
© Liina Mangna 2024.
All Rights Reserved.